Year 10 Mock Exam Timetable

Dear families,

As we approach the end of the academic year, I am writing to inform you about the upcoming year 10 mock period. Year 10 students have worked extremely hard this year and this mock period will provide us with an opportunity to assess their progress before the summer and the start of year 11.

The year 10 assessment window is now open, and some assessments may take place in lessons to supplement those taken during the mock exam fortnight. The mock exam period will take place from Monday 26th June – Wednesday 5th July and these exams will take place in the sports hall. Students will sit at least one mock exam in most of their subjects to give them the experience of the formal examination setting.

Timings of exams

Morning exams will start at 9:30 and afternoon exams will start at 1:30. For the purposes of this exam period, year 10 students will move to the early lunch slot to ensure they get their full lunch before they go into the exam hall. Students will also receive their normal length morning break; the timings of this will depend on the duration of the morning exam.

Equipment and Uniform

Students will be expected to attend the mock period with full equipment and wearing full uniform. Correct uniform will be required in order to enter the exam hall. All exams must be completed in black pen. We suggest that students carry multiple black pens with them into the exam in case the one that they are using runs out.

Mobile Phones and Watches

Mobile Phones and all watches are not allowed in the exam hall. Students will be expected to either leave these in bags, which will be locked in the lecture theatre for the duration of the exam, or hand them in to the invigilators at the start of the exam who will store them at the front of the exam hall as is the procedure during the formal exam period.


It is expected that students will attend every one of their mock exams. In the formal examination period next year, there is no option to move exams as the dates are externally set by the exam board. This is something we will look to replicate with this exam period so expect students to attend school every day.

Accompanying this letter is a copy of the year 10 mock exam timetable for you to keep and support your child with keeping track of their upcoming exams. Students will also receive a personalised exam timetable which will contain their seat numbers for the exam.

Thank you for your support. If you have any questions then please feel free to contact me.

Yours Faithfully,

Mr K Bradley – Senior Leader KS4