Sixth Form Reading Strategy and Reading Lists

Sixth Form Reading Strategy and Reading Lists

We expect our sixth form students to conduct regular wider reading around each of their subjects; additional reading helps to develop an in-depth understanding of topics and it shows examiners that a student has a good grasp of the subject.

Moreover, wider reading can help a student to demonstrate their passion for a particular field of study when writing a personal statement during the university application process, or when attending a university interview.

Our sixth form reading strategy document can be found below. This sets out our commitment to improve reading within the sixth form and the key initiatives we have in place to help develop a culture of reading.  A link to our sixth form reading lists can also be accessed below. There are reading lists for each of the A level and BTEC courses that are part of sixth form curriculum at Forge. Each list details essential and other useful texts that can support learning. Many also include links to useful documentaries and podcasts.