The pathway has higher entry requirements compared to our other pathways, given the grades ultimately needed to be awarded a place at a UK medical school. Those wishing to join the pathway will typically need to meet the following entry requirements:
The pathway includes the prerequisite of A level Chemistry, along with 2 other A level subjects and an enrichment qualification. However, our medicine pathway is more than just a combination of A level courses; it provides students with a package of support and extra-curricular opportunities designed to support applications to medical school and help students stand out from the crowd.
Those joining the pathway benefit from the following:
7 of our sixth form students have progressed to a UK medical school over the course of the last 4 years. Our intention is to build on the success of these students and increase the number of Forge sixth form leavers who go on to study medicine.
Details on how to apply for a place on our medicine pathway can be found here.