Dudley Admissions

We’ve had lots of parents contact us who live in the Dudley area, asking if they are able to apply to Forge. The answer is, categorically, YES!

All you need to do is change the local authority drop down box to Sandwell, when you apply, to find us easily. If you need any assistance, please contact Mrs Wendy Baker on 01384 566 598 or email wendy.baker@oatforge.co.uk and she will help you.

You can find out more information here
Dudley has an excellent admissions team who will also be able to provide you with support should you wish to apply to us. You can contact them on admissions.cs@dudley.gov.uk or 01384 814223.

Our doors are always open, if you want to come and have a look around on a school day, please get in touch here

Part of our commitment to you is that we provide good education, all day, every day. We look forward to seeing parents and students from Dudley.