Careers Resources and Useful Links

Click below to see resources from the DfE

The Annual Economic Review (formerly called State of the Sub Region) is an annual report which focuses on the ‘indicators’ in the Black Country Performance Management Framework, which enable us to understand if the Black Country is making real progress towards achievement of the aspirations set within the Black Country Vision and the Black Country Strategy for Growth and Competitiveness. It also includes a range of information from over the last 12 months, providing a Black Country picture of the impact and direction of travel.
You can download the 2019 Black Country Annual Economic Review here:

The different levels of apprenticeships

This National Apprenticeship week we are giving you a series of five videos to do with Apprenticeships.

This is your first one! Apprenticeships start at level two and go all the way up to level seven. Learn more about each level in this video!

What can you accomplish with an apprenticeship?

How far can an apprenticeship actually take you? Truth is as far as you want it to, watch to find out more!

Myth Busting Apprenticeships

There are lots of myths around apprenticeships and a lot aren’t true. Let’s bust some myths here and now!

How to find your ideal apprenticeship

Don’t know where to start when it comes to looking for an apprenticeship? Don’t worry we have you covered, watch this video to find out all our top tips when it comes to looking for one.

The application process for apprenticeships

Right you have found an apprenticeship and want to apply but what will that process look like? Watch this video to find out.

Understanding Degree Apprenticeships

What are the benefits of a degree apprenticeship?

Could it be the right pathway for you? This is an opportunity to find out!

Watch this video to hear from Dyson Institute, PwC, British Airways, and DWF who share information about the different degree apprenticeships programmes they offer.

You will gain a deeper understanding around degree apprenticeships, what the process is like, the benefits and hear tips from the professionals!