On 7th April, our students are heading out into the World of Work. We hope our students are able to demonstrate to employers across the West Midlands (and beyond!) our academy values of Resilience, Aspiration and Respect.
Students: Make sure you are dressed appropriately and know what time to arrive at your placement – aim to be there at least 10 minutes before you are due to be! You should know where you are going and who to ask for on arrival. All of these details are on your Unifrog account under the placements tool.
There may be important and confidential information shared between colleagues while you are on your work experience placement. It’s very important that you don’t share this information outside of work.
Just as we have in school, your work experience employer may also have rules about using social media and the use of mobile phones. These should not be used in the workplace at tall unless you are directed to by your employer.
Parents/carers: If your child is unable to attend their placement due to illness, please contact Forge Academy attendance team as usual as well as the company to inform them of your child’s absence.
Please re-iterate with your child about the importance of representing themselves, you as their parent or carer, and the academy, well during the week. Hopefully they will come out with a terrific reference which be useful for applications in the future.
Please encourage your child to show some resilience, even if they are not particularly enjoying their placement, persevering if things get a bit tough, as we believe overcoming this kind of challenge will set them up for a brilliant future.
If you have any questions or concerns about the week, please contact [email protected] or alternatively phone Mrs Southall on 01384566598 ext.1064