Open Event

Saturday 23rd September, 2023 9am-12pm

Everyone who becomes part of the Forge Family is an important person, whether student, parent or staff. Our drive is to ensure that each person is known, understood and supported to be their best self – which is what we mean by belonging to the family.

Our Open Events are an ideal opportunity to come and find out more about what we stand for.  “I loved visiting Forge when I was looking at secondary schools, nearly 5 years ago now! I just knew it was the right place for me!” says Alex, a year 10 student. Doors will be open from 6pm on Thursday and 9am on Saturday. There is no need to book, visitors can just turn up.

We have many links to local business and the community, and our academy is rooted in its core values of respect, aspiration and resilience, providing our students with inspiration and motivation to dream big. It is no wonder the academy is oversubscribed, nor that we hold an OFSTED Good rating.

Across both events you will have an opportunity to see our great facilities, talk to our expert teaching staff and meet and greet some of our amazing students and 6th formers, all who will be on hand to answer any questions you might have. Whilst you’re here don’t forget to check out the Performing Arts department for some fantastic music, dance and drama and visit Hospitality to sample some Spanish cuisine and meet the Principal Dr Mason who can tell you all there is to know about life at Forge.

“Our open events are always a huge success, with students and staff showing pride in their workplace. We recommend around 90 minutes to tour the Academy and we are often very busy so recommend arriving early! Our year 7 is always oversubscribed so we hope the event will provide the experience needed for you to make the best decision for your child’s education” said Vice Principal, Stephen Lodge.

For more information Ormiston Forge Academy – Open Events