Working With Us

All vacancies are now posted centrally on the OAT Careers website. Please visit OAT Careers to view all current vacancies for our academy and other academies in the Trust, and for all head office positions.

You can find our current vacancies HERE

There has never been a more exciting time to be at Ormiston Forge Academy. We became an academy in January 2012 and became Good during Ofsted in March 2016 following up with another Good judgement in October 2019. Students and staff are at the heart of the Academy and we are committed to providing all with a vast range of opportunities.

Joining the Academy, all members of staff have access to a first-rate induction programme, staff development and the opportunity to shape the future of the academy. We expect nothing short of excellence from all our staff, in return, we offer a fantastic place to work and make a difference. We are united towards our core purpose.

If you are interested in any of the vacancies we urge you to come and have a look at us in action. If you would like to visit please contact the Academy via our contacts page