Parent Governor Vacancy

22nd May 2023

Dear Parent,

There is currently a vacancy for a parent governor on the governing body and I am writing to encourage you to put your name forward. Being a governor can be very rewarding – do not worry if you have no experience in education matters as full training and support are available from Ormiston Academies Trust and your colleagues on the governing body.

Have you thought about becoming a Parent Governor?

Becoming a parent governor offers you the opportunity to make a real contribution to the life and work of our academy. Governors play a key role in the leadership of the academy and work together with the principal, staff and other governors to ensure that our academy provides a challenging and supportive environment for its students.

Who can be a parent governor?

All parents and carers of registered students are eligible to become parent governors. Every parent, whether or not they live with the student, is entitled to be nominated as a parent governor and to vote in a parent governor election. Someone who has parental responsibility or day-to-day care of a student is also eligible to serve and to vote.

Parents/carers who have paid employment in the academy for 500 hours per academic year or more or who are elected members of the local authority are not eligible to stand in these elections.

How long do parent governors serve?

The usual term of office is four years from the date of appointment with a review meeting after the first year. If you choose to, you can complete your term of office even if your child has since left the academy.

How are parent governors nominated and elected?

If you would like to put your name forward please complete the nomination form and submit a statement stating why you would like to be a governor (no more than 150 words). The governing body is especially keen to receive nominations from parents and carers who have skills in (insert required skill set) as our recent skills audit has identified that collectively we are short of skills in his area. The closing date and time for the receipt of nominations is by 3pm on Friday 9th June 2023. If more than one nomination is received, an election will be held and the ballot papers for this will be sent to all parents and carers.

If you are interested and would like to find out more, then why not contact us here at the academy. We look forward to hearing from you.

Yours sincerely,

Dr Lisa Mason
