Dear Parent/Carer
Class Charts
In our continued pursuit to improve communication with you and the consistency surrounding behaviour we have made to decision to move over to a new behaviour management system – Class Charts.
From the 17th April this will replace EduLink and will be used within school to log and track all student behaviour and attendance. You will receive an email from Class Charts with your unique log in information and this will allow you to track your child’s behaviour and attendance through the Class Chart platform and app.
Class Charts for Parents
Class Charts is an online system which teachers use to track achievement and behaviour throughout the school day. We believe in working closely with parents and one of the key benefits of using Class Charts is that we are able to securely share your child(s) achievement and behaviour report with you and so keep you up to date in real-time.
Class Charts is used to share information with parents about:
• Achievement Points
• Behaviour Points
• Attendance
What is Class Charts for Parents?
You will be able to use Class Charts to keep track of your child’s achievements, access behaviour reports, track attendance and scheduled detentions.
If you have more than one child at the school you can use the same parent account to view achievement data for all your children. Class Charts for parents can be accessed via the website, or iOS and Android apps. Further guidance can be found on our school website.
Best wishes
Mr. S. Lodge
Reporting of absence/attendance related matters will still be through the myED app.