With over half of all students achieving a GCSE Grade 4 or above in English and maths, there is cause for smiles and celebration today at Forge.
Overall, 54 per cent of students achieved a Grade 4 or above in both English and maths – with Grade 4 set by the Government as a pass. This also represents a 7 per cent increase on the Grade 4 English and maths from 2018.
There has also been a six-percentage-point increase, to 32 per cent, in the number of students achieving a Grade 5 or above in both English and maths – defined by the Government as a “strong pass” or better.
In English, 72 per cent of students achieved Grade 4 or above, an 8 per cent increase on the 2018 result. In BTEC sport, 94 per cent of students earned a Distinction, this coming after an incredible result in 2018 where 90 per cent of students performed to the highest level. The Academy also saw strong attainment in individual subjects where 25 per cent of biology students, 22 per cent of physics students, 33 per cent of classics students and 38 per cent of chemistry students achieved a Grade 7 or above.
Dr Lisa Mason, Principal at Ormiston Forge Academy, said:
“We are pleased with the GCSE results this year which show a significant and obvious attainment improvement on our strong results from 2018. We are proud of the achievement of our students and the tremendous effort our teachers have put in.
“The results this year complement our excellent A level results showing just how much value we are adding to students’ academic outcomes.”
Last week students at Forge capped a remarkable year with 91 per cent of the A level cohort achieving three or more passes at grades A*-E. Students from the Academy – judged Good in all areas following an inspection by Ofsted in 2016 – achieved a 100% pass rate in all subjects.
The Ormiston Forge Academy Open Days for prospective parents are on Thursday 19th September from 6.00pm–8.30pm and Saturday 21st September from 9am until 12. Parents and children and invited to come and see Forge and all it has to offer for themselves.
GCSE subjects are marked under the new 1-9 grading system, with 9 being the highest grade. New GCSEs are linear in structure rather than modular, with all exams at the end of a two-year course. A grade 4 is effectively an old C grade and the top grade, a grade 9 is the equivalent of the very top A*.