28th June 2023
Dear Parents and Carers,
Re: Confirmed change to the length of the school day from 1st September 2023
Following the consultation, we are grateful for the parents’ feedback. I am writing to inform you that the proposed changes to the structure of the Academy day will be going ahead.
As you will be aware the Government has issued a white paper called Opportunity for All, the focus is on strong schools with great teachers for your child and it sets an expectation that all state-funded mainstream schools will deliver a minimum length of school week of 32.5 hours as soon as they can, and from September 2023 at the latest.
From 1st September 2023, we will move to the following times for the academy day:-
Monday – start at 08.35 (5 minutes earlier), finish at 16.20 (10 minutes later).
Tuesday to Thursday – start at 08.35 (5 minutes earlier), finish at 15.15 (5 minutes later).
Friday – start at 08.35 (5 minutes earlier) finish at 13.20 (5 minutes later).
The additional time will be used to slightly extend tutor time, lunch time and period 6 on a Monday (making period 6, 60 minutes long, in line with all other lessons in the week).
The information in this letter has also been sent to the local authority. We will make sure to work together so that there is minimal disruption.
Thank you for your continued support.
Yours faithfully,
Dr Lisa Mason